Who We Are: We are a group of faith-rooted individuals who have a desire to learn and practice Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) as we engage with our local communities. (Members of this community could be staff, clergy, agency directors, volunteers - whomever has been called to lead and inspire others as they work with their local communities.)
Our Core Values: As an ABCD Community of Practice we will strive to embody the shared principles defined by the international ABCD community, which can be found here.
Our Purpose: To gather people of faith communities, working in the areas of mercy, justice, and community development, to learn from, network with, and share stories, experiences, tools and challenges with one another. Our hope is this is an opportunity to build on the assets in our neighborhoods and communities, addressing shared or recurring challenges and how we turn them into opportunities.
This Community of Practice is committed to supporting one another by creating a space that is:
- Participatory: ABCD doesn't happen if you're doing work for someone or to someone; authentic community building occurs when we do our work with one another. This CoP will strive to create a space for mutual exchange. There are no “experts”, only peers. This is not a webinar series.
- Co-Created: Participants will co-create the content by sharing their knowledge, skills, ideas, tools, techniques, resources and provide feedback and suggestions to other participants.
- A Networking Opportunity: Facilitators will provide networking opportunities with the opportunity to make connections and build deeper relationships outside the group if so desired.
- On-going Learning: Focused on ongoing dialogue and learning rather than the production of an end product.
This group is sponsored by the ABCD Institute and co-hosted by World Renew, Episcopal Relief & Development and Embrace Communities.
There is no cost for membership.
- Join our online platform for this group here:
- If you have questions or would like more information about the Faith-Rooted ABCD Community of Practice, please email Jodi Koeman at jkoeman@worldrenew.net or Sean McConnell at smcconnell@episcopalrelief.org with the subject line: "Faith-rooted ABCD COP”
- This community of practice meets bi-monthly on the 4th Tuesday of even months at 2pm EST.