Introduction to ABCD: 90 Minute Webinar
This session is designed to introduce organizations to Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) principles and the CommUnity-powered Framework for implementing these principles. This training event can be tailored for audiences of any size. Participants will be introduced to these concepts which are explored in greater detail in our Power Shift Training Series:
- The Four Bedrock Principles of ABCD that lay the foundation for the CommUnity Powered Framework (Power Shift Part 1 - Principles).
The Five Community Capacity Building Processes used to bring ABCD principles to life in a way that strengthens communities from the inside out (Power Shift Part 2 - Processes).
Power Shift Part 1: Learning Cohort (6-8 Sessions)
Participants will gain a basic understanding of Asset Based Community Development including:
- The seven basic needs found in every community and an understanding of current investments in addressing these needs: Physical, vocational, environmental, social/emotional, the need for power and control, the need for collective voice, and psycho-spiritual needs. (Framework of Understanding Community Needs)
- The difference between relief, individual betterment and community development approaches and when each is most appropriate. (Shift #1: Relief to Development)
- How one-way giving approaches can undermine an engagement effort and how to shift to an approach that fosters mutual interdependence. (Shift #2: Doing For to Doing With)
- The importance of place and narrowing the scope of the development effort to a specific geographically defined group, neighborhood or sub-group of a school, or affinity group. (Shift #3: Cause to Community)
- Basic understanding of the six types of assets found in every community (individuals, associations, institutions, physical environment, methods of exchange, and culture) and the role each plays in a development effort with particular attention on the importance of the "gapper" role. (Shift #4: Needs to Assets)
Power Shift Part 2: Implementation Coaching
Participants will discover the power of the five community capacity building processes: Community Listening, Leadership Development, Team Building, Support Raising and Storytelling as they apply their learning to their local context.
- How to conduct a listening project to discover the commUnity dream through the hopes, gifts and talents of the community. (Shift #5: Working our Plan to Discovering Dreams)
- The three components of an effective leadership development process and how to identify and nurture leadership gifts in a way that fosters shared and sustainable leadership. (Shift #6: Participants to Owners)
- The four CARE practices for effective team building and how to create team gatherings that grow trust, collective efficacy and civic investment while moving toward a clear shared goal. (Shift #7: Committee Building to Beloved Community)
- How to build partnerships that can help sustain a community-defined, constituent-driven community development effort without assuming power and control over. (Shift #8: Outside In to Inside Out)
- How to tell stories in a way that shifts harmful narratives (both at the community level and the larger narratives that shape society) to more hope-filled ones. (Shift #9: From Divided to United)
Sector-Specific Trainings
Embrace partners with subject matter experts in various areas to offer Power Shift trainings that are tailored to specific contexts. Each training will follow the Power Shift core curriculum but include stories and case studies from specific context.
Faith-rooted Development: Embrace partners with denominational leaders to offer a customized training for faith-rooted development efforts. In this training, supplemental tools and stories focused on the unique role of faith leaders are provided.
Community Health Workers: Embrace has partnered with CHW Strength to create a course for Community Health Workers and their unique role in strengthening communities through a public health lens.
With our ability to customize our training modules for a variety of community engagement contexts, Embrace is able to design a training experience that will meet your specific needs.
The Train the Trainer Power Shift Series is for graduates of the Practitioner level training who want to train others using the Power Shift Curriculum with customized tools for their unique context. This year long offering combines training experiences with individual coaching and is offered to individuals and small groups of four or less.
Contact Us
If you would like to set up a training for your organization, please reach out to us here.